Sunday, February 12, 2006


Normally I don't like the kind of quizzes that people email you. I fill them out as Silvia, my alter ego (she is a heavy smoker and has 9 cats), or sometimes as me but with not one straight answer. Why fill them out? To be social. So I decided to write one myself. Copy and paste it in an email and send it to me, ok?? I'm too lazy today to make an html form. I am going to post the best answer for each question.

1. What is your favorite noise?
2. Have you ever bought a cd by Cher?
3. What was the best birthday present you ever got? It's o.k. if you want to talk about sex.
4. Name one thing you really miss about the 80's.
5. Have you lived up to your SAT scores?
6. Did you ever write a love letter?
7. What was your first concert?
8. What is your argument style?
9. What character do you really like about yourself?
10. If you were 18 right now, what would you do with your life?
11. Do you write poetry?
12. What do you do when you hate someone?
13. Have you Googled yourself?
14. Are there pictures of you on the internet?
15. If you have an extra hour that is not filled up with responsibility, what do you do with it? (I'm looking for suggestions.)
16. Which movie character do you relate to the most?
17. If you are sitting around with your closest friends, what are you most likely discussing?
18. What was your favorite summer job?
19. In high school, were you a cheerleader/jock type, artsy (code word for stoner), or a nerd?
20. Do you like talking on the phone?
21. What is your main fault?
22. Did you ever cheat on a test?
23. Was it this one?
24. What is your battle cry?
25. Do you love or hate quizzes?


Anonymous said...

1. What is your favorite noise?

Backwards guitar.

2. Have you ever bought a cd by Cher?

No, but now I have Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves running through my head.

3. What was the best birthday present you ever got? It's o.k. if you want to talk about sex.

Pod XTlive processor unit.

4. Name one thing you really miss about the 80's.

Lead guitar in popular music.

5. Have you lived up to your SAT scores?

I have over achieved my under achiever SAT scores.

6. Did you ever write a love letter?


7. What was your first concert?

Sly and the Family Stone. I like his new hair, very Wendy Williams.

8. What is your argument style?

Arguing both sides of the issue in hopes of learning.

9. What character do you really like about yourself?

I like all the A's, oh wait, we are not talking ASCII. Being Open Minded and Liberal.

10. If you were 18 right now, what would you do with your life?

I was born a Bitter Old Man waiting for the chance to chase small children out of the yard.
5,18 or 46, Must "drink only of Bitterness and Continue Rationalizing."

11. Do you write poetry?

It was a dark and stormy night many years ago.

12. What do you do when you hate someone?

Tune them out.

13. Have you Googled yourself?

Yep. Was suprised to find out how many different proffesions I had.
Actually found my actual self as well. I cache, therefor I am.

14. Are there pictures of you on the internet?


15. If you have an extra hour that is not filled up with responsibility, what do you do with it? (I'm looking for suggestions.)

Create a thousand notes that go nowhere.

16. Which movie character do you relate to the most?

Willian Hurt in Altered States.
Obsession is always interesting.

17. If you are sitting around with your closest friends, what are you most likely discussing?

Music, the good old days, politics.

18. What was your favorite summer job?

hmmmmm, must toil or die, no real favorites.

19. In high school, were you a cheerleader/jock type, artsy (code word for stoner), or a nerd?

Artsy, not much changes.

20. Do you like talking on the phone?

Not really, cell phones heat up making your ear like boiled cauliflower.

21. What is your main fault?

Thinking too much.

22. Did you ever cheat on a test?


23. Was it this one?


24. What is your battle cry?

Shootme !!!

25. Do you love or hate quizzes?

love the ones I know the answers to.

Me said...

Dude, you sound suspiciously like my brother.