Yup, the boys are back in town. Apparently Kevin Smith had such nostalgia pangs while doing the DVD extras for Clerks, he decided to make a sequel. If you're a Kevin Smith fan at all, you know that Jason Mewes worships Kevin, and is more like one of his kids than an entirely separate adult. Without Kevin, he would probably be in jail, or worse. The boy has a major drug problem. Kevin told him he'd make a sequel if Jason could stay sober, because Jason always wanted to play Jay one more time. So he did. Well, until the shoot began anyway.
Clerks 2, Passion of the Clerks, comes out August 18. The official website is great - they have what they call Train Wreck videos, and there are more than a couple satires - one done as a Disney trailer, one a complete suck-up to "YouTubers".
I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan. I don't know if it's because I spent my Wonder Bread years in Jersey, leaving early enough to be nostalgic for it ... And Kevin Smith is sooo New Jersey. Jay is every guy (not everyman, certainly) from my high school. New Jersey is a great place to be a teenager. If you're lucky, you live an easy bus ride from the City, and less than 2 hours from the shore. Both just paradise for teens. It's so easy to get to the City from where I grew up that you could easily roam around Greenwich Village for several hours and still be home in time for curfew, which in my case was 11.
So I don't know if it's because he makes really funny flicks or that I just have this elastic band reaction to the state that most people just fly right over to get to New York. I even visited Jay and Bob's Silent Stash store the last time I was in Red Bank, loaded up on dashboard Buddy Jesus, t-shirts, and Jay and Silent Bob magnets. The store doesn't so much bring out the inner child in you, as the rampant immaturity that lurks below the surface. It did not help my objectivity in the least to run into one of my favorite bands there - Marah shopping for Secret Stash stuff as well...
So unless I can score preview tickets off Claudia or win the Reel Preview lottery, I'll be lining up on August 18, a mere 4 months from today. Until then, there are many hours to be wasted on the website.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
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Reading your post makes me wish I was a Jersey Girl and could feel nostalgic too.
That, and so I could buy one of your Jersey Girl tees off of cafe press.
Alas, I will just buy toddler tees. That is, if you can get them uploaded.
Yes, that is offically a dig and, yet, also a friendly reminder! All rolled up into one. I am so good...
Actually, that's an AD, a dig, and a reminder. Nice work! :-)
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