Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Guesthouse progress? Not really

I mentioned I was laid off on August 24, which was two weeks ago tomorrow. I have not had Fred and Martine do any more work until I had the severance check in hand, as I no longer trust anything I hear out of CA's mouth.

That said, it took 4 days, 3 emails, and 2 voicemails to track someone down in HR to find out where my promised severance check was, promised to have arrived last week. Emails were not returned by anyone. However, persistence paid off.

"Oh, I made a mistake in telling you that and should have called you, but then I went on vacation, and then..." HR's voice trailed off. Seriously. Why do people who don't give a rat's ass about people or care enough to think even one thing through get hired to deal with people? So apparently my check will come with the regular pay date. Whatever.

Compared to the rat hole, the new gig is a breath of fresh air. No drama, no gossip, no backstabbing. No fake niceties. No unnecessary poorly organized meetings. Just work. Do it, and get paid for it, and leave it there when you go home at night. It's not rocket science, folks. How come so few people get this?

Hopefully more progress will be made this weekend. All that is left is installing the porto-kitchen and cabinets, and finishing the mosaic. Pics will follow shortly. Pls be patient as I deal with a total lack of energy borne of actually having to use my brain at work.


Lara said...

I am anxiously awaiting pictures...

Me said...

Patience is a virtue.