Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lost cell phone?

Those of us without a landline are in deep doo doo when we lose our cell phones. How do you call it to find it? Do they make a mini clapper for them? Is there an online service that will find your phone?

So right now I can't find my phone - I know it's in the house b/c I haven't left the house since I last used it. I looked online, and sure enough, there is a guy in Texas who is trying to start a business helping people find their phones. He charges $1.29 through Pay Pal - but get this, it's not automated. He sits and waits for emails and then calls people. Such an entrepreneur, huh?

Here's the link: Funny.

By the way, could someone call me so I can find it? Thanks.


Unknown said...

Did you find it?

Me said...

Yes! thanks for asking. :-)