Monday, October 09, 2006

Quotes of the Week

"When I get really pissed off, my inner white girl comes out." - Jamaal

"Target is like Disneyland to me... all the bright colors and everything." - Fran

"I really like it here- people have technology... and teeth." - Zoe

"Come say Howdy to Gaudi." - ad for trip to Barcelona


blogedyblogblog said...


Me said...

Yeah, I wonder who Jamaal modeled his inner white girl on?

Lara said...

Wouldn't it be my inner white-trash girl?

Too funny!

Me said...

who you calling white trash, beyotch! you can bring it...

Lara said...

It's been broughten!

Isn't it funnier picturing Jamaal not as a pissed off white girl, but a pissed of WT girl?

C'mon now, you know it is.

Me said...

This just cries out for photoshop.