Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conglomoreum, and why I redecorated my living room

Conglomoreum is Ryan's website. He made up the word based on


Main Entry: con·glom·er·a·tion
Pronunciation: k&n-"gläm-&-'rA-sh&n, "kän-Function:
noun1 : the act of conglomerating : the state of being conglomerated
2 : something conglomerated : a mixed coherent mass



It's basically a photography site, but there are a few rants as well. It's fun just to wander through it, b/c the section links are also made-up words. When you hit a rant, you'll know it.

So Ryan sends me links to some images he took in Central Park (NYC) that he had also altered a bit in Photoshop. The images are ethereal yet have a sadness to them that give them weight and substance. I become obsessed with these pictures and decide I have to have them. I had to repaint my living room, changing the whole theme from light/modern/movie themed to dark/classic/art photography.

So here are the images. If he ever prints them out for me, there's newly-painted space behind the couch just waiting for them.

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